Carmen Zografou

Carmen Zografou Showreel Video producer 2014 Video producer

Buyout trailer


IARS - Abuse no more - Educational video for GPs

Diversity - YMCA

The Courage to be me - Book by Dr Nina Burrowes

MELATONINI - Separation

Sugkentrwsh gia ERT - London Greek Embassy

9ο ΦΠΚΑ / 9th AAGFF | Ταινιοθήκη της Ελλάδος / Greek Film Archive | Έναρξη / Opening

ARTS & ORIGINALITY course official trailer

Οι Κατίνες μου - Documentary Trailer

Philippe Grandrieux | 9ο ΦΠΚΑ / 9th AAGFF | Ταινιοθήκη της Ελλάδος / Greek Film Archive

Closing Ceremony Video | 9ο ΦΠΚΑ - 9th AAGFF | Ταινιοθήκη της Ελλάδος - Greek Film Archive

Bridging the Gap Workshop (Teaser)

1000mods feat. Nikos Veliotis, Akis Zois - Lucid Dream - Official Music Video

Homeland Multidisciplinary Event

QUOTATION/ El ser humano muere solamente cuando son olvidan

Coocoolili presents: Springtime Rashes&Flushes / 'Springtime Cadenza'

KATSIGIANNI in advance - Winter Collection 2012

Christina Maxouri - Borrowed Shoes @ The Hellenic Centre

Springtime Cadenza– Springtime Rashes&Flushes @ Jamboree 4 April 2017

Coocoolili presents: Springtime Rashes&Flushes / 'I gave my love a cherry'

▶Abused No More - The Voices of Refugee and Asylum-seeking Women

Coocoolili presents: Springtime Rashes&Flushes / 'let's sing a gay little spring song'